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Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Weekend Chronicles

So who would have thought that about 2 days after I posted about the fact that maybe I would someday have a life I would end up with a busy weekend! I guess this blog thing actually works. I'm sure the majority of the American, teenage population wouldn't consider my weekend to be "busy", "exciting", or anything having to do with having a life. Well... I don't really have a response. They're probably right.
Anywho, yesterday I had class in the early morning. By early morning I mean 9 a.m. - 10:30. But I live 45 minutes away from the college, so I had to leave at 8:15. That's early, right? I'm taking Environmental Science to fill a requirement for my degree. It's 'eh', basically high school biology, or what I would imagine high school biology to be like considering I never took biology, but that's a different post for a different day. After class I went to my grandparents to watch 19 Kids and
Counting. Hmm. I'm not helping my I-Have-A-Life case, am I?

It's too late to go back now! After my exciting Duggar date I headed 30 minutes back out towards my house, with my grandmother, to go watch my sister play soccer. They won. Julia scored. It was hot. I headed home from soccer, ate a pumpkin muffin, some pepperoni, and drank a glass of milk before I decided that my best bet would be to go buy something. Ugh.
So off I went again, 30 minutes away, to buy a sandwich and some much needed coffee. I grabbed my grub and went to go babysit. However, I didn't 'grab my grub' without some sort of event happening. How do I sandwich? I want to know how somebody goes 18 years without ever having ordered an Italian sub? I assumed that all of the toppings were unspoken. Like some sort of sandwich-making code. It isn't, by the way. You have to know exactly what you want. Why does life always seem to have too many decisions tacked on?
For your entertainment, I will provide the conversation. Please don't judge me.
Me: Hello, I'd like a half of an Italian sub......
(you know how when you're unsure of yourself your voice goes up at the end of the sentence? Yeah, that.)
Cashier: Alright, what would you like on it?
*Awkward pause, I didn't realize I'd have to make that difficult of a decision. I wasn't prepared.*
Me: Ummm.... Lettuce.....tomato.... Do you have banana peppers?
 (I think that I got really excited at this point)
Cashier: Yeah, we do!
(He also seemed oddly excited at the prospect of a fellow banana-pepper-lover)
Me: Awesome, I'd like those.
Cashier: Alright, mmhmm... (writing things down) Anything else?
Me:..... (at this point I was telepathically begging him to help me out)
Cashier: How about mayonnaise, vinegar, balsamic vinaigrette?
Me: Mayonnaise would be great!
Cashier: mmhmm......salt, pepper, oregano?
Me: Yes, please...
I couldn't tell if he pitied me or was amused by me. He now gives my order to the sandwich-maker and I feel a wave of relief. The rest of the paying for food and carrying it out to my car bit went smoothly. I have much experience with that. Now don't think that I don't know how to order food. It's just that I was spoiled with Subway! I got to the point when I would walk in the door the man behind the counter would call out, "Chicken Bacon Ranch?" to me. It was a well written script in Subway. Like beautiful sandwich choreography. Not here. Not with this Italian Sub thing.
Moving on, the night was pretty great as far as babysitting goes. We watched The Mighty Ducks, the kids went to bed, and I read. Could it get any better than that? What book did I read, you ask? I read Holes by Louis Sachar. I have to say that I was a little bit disappointed. However, my reasoning behind that is that I love the movie and the movie pretty much follows the book to a tee. Which is great, just not super exciting. And that was my Saturday.
This is the only picture I have. Which is of my coffee, if you couldn't tell. I hate taking pictures, but I promise I'll try harder next time. At least it's kind of artsy, right?
Sunday, was equally eventful, just much more disappointing. I work in my church nursery and so I left my house at 7:30 to go to work. There isn't much to talk about as far as that's concerned: babies, crying, laughing, and lots of goldfish. Last Sunday I decided that I desperately needed new clothes and so my brother and I went to go clothes shopping, much to his dismay. It was semi-successful but I needed a round two.
In case you haven't noticed, I live pretty far away from everything. So the same brother as the week before (sorry, Joe!) and I headed back out to go clothes shopping. 45 minutes away. At this point I was already pretty out of 'it', whatever 'it' is. So I drove around the block, which contains more stoplights than my entire town does, twice in search of the Target. I finally find it, return some PJ pants, and look around. After I leave the store, it hits me that I returned PJ pants with the intent of buying replacements. In fact, the only reason that I went to Target was to get PJ pants. However, all that I left the store with was two pairs of baby socks. Please no questions or judgments.
Joe and I head to Barnes and Noble, because why not? I bought a book. That I didn't need. Obviously. Yeah... remember that book addiction? The Old Navy was in the same shopping center as the Barnes and Noble, so I figured that I would head down there and take a look. Did anybody else know that Cub Scouts sell popcorn? Because I didn't. And I certainly didn't know that they sold popcorn in front of Old Navy's. At this point, my parents had already called, said that they were in the area, eating seafood, and that we could meet up and swap Joe for my mom. Joe was as ecstatic as Joe will ever be. :)
The swap was made, and my mom and I headed to Plato's Closet. Because Plato's Closet. I found a few things, but not anything worth a 45 minute drive. I decided that we should head BACK to Target so I could actually buy the PJ pants that were the reason I went in the first place. However, Target is Target. I walked out with PJ pants, a coloring book, crayons, yoga pants, and a globe. A GLOBE. Mission diverted. Mission not accomplished. Mission abandoned.
Side note: Can we have a moment of silence for the amount of gasoline that it takes to have a life. Thank you.
So now here I am. Surrounded by a globe, pants, a book I don't need, and a small portion of clothing that I actually intended to buy. Maybe next week I'll go back for a round three. Until then, I'll enjoy my pajama pants that I worked hard for, stare at my new globe, and do I clothes?


  1. You're amazing and I miss you greatly. <3

  2. Aw :) Thanks so much, I miss you too!

  3. Do you travel over the bridge often? There is an Old Navy on 273 not far from Christiana. I feel your pain of living at least 20 minutes from anything. It's the price we pay for the quiet of the country life.


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